Bob Kressig Black Hawk County

Bob Kressig

Thank you for taking time to visit The goal of this website is to keep you informed about State and local government issues. Many of the issues that we discuss at the Capitol need your input for the legislature to make an informed decision. Please send me your thoughts and ideas to the contact info in the website.

My Mission

My mission today is the same as it was when I first embarked on my journey in 2004- to serve my beloved community, neighbors and family of the 59th District to the very best of my ability and to bring big ideas, focus and fiscal responsibility to the Iowa House.

Thank you for visiting and I look forward to hearing from you!

Bob Kressig Opening Day Oath Iowa State House

Iowa House Representative


• Instead of listening and working to improve life for everyday Iowans, Republicans stacked the deck against them.
• Instead of raising family incomes like they promised, Republicans lowered wages for 65,000 Iowans.
• Instead of making sure every kid gets a great education, they shortchanged public schools again this year with the third lowest increase in history then blamed teachers for the state’s budget problems.
• Instead of keeping health care affordable, Republicans cut a woman’s access to health care for cancer screenings, STD test, and birth control. They also passed a 20 week abortion ban without exceptions for rape, incest, or even health of the mother.
• Instead of keeping higher education and job training affordable to build our skilled workforce, Republicans raised tuition on students attending our state universities and community colleges.
• Instead of working together with dedicated public servants like firefighters, police officers, and teachers, Republicans took away their rights and their voice in the workplace.
• Instead of making it easier for Iowans to vote, Republicans created more hurdles and less time for Iowans to cast their vote.

Capitol Work

Republican lawmakers ignored the concerns of Iowans this session and broke their promise to create jobs and raise family incomes. While rewarding the special interests and out-of-state corporations, the GOP stacked the deck against everyday Iowans who are working hard but still not getting ahead. Democrats will keep listening to Iowans, hold Republican politicians accountable, and fight to build an economy that works for all Iowa families.

Bob Kressig Newsletter January 16, 2025

Greetings to you all! It is Week 1, and we are officially back in session! I wanted to welcome every caucus member back and welcome our four new freshmen who are just beginning their journey in the Iowa House! I was sworn in on Monday for the 11th time. I am proud to be an Iowa...
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Bob Kressig Newsletter November 21, 2024

Greetings to you all! Hopefully, everything is going great. November is moving fast and Thanksgiving is coming soon. Looks like the weather is changing and it’s going to get colder. I’m looking forward to the legislative session starting in January. I will continue to work for the people of Iowa. In the newsletter, you will...
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Bob Kressig Newsletter October 23, 2024

Greetings to you all! Hopefully, everything is going great. October is about to be done and Fall has arrived. Enjoy the warm weather while it lasts! The election date is fast approaching and I encourage Iowans to get out and vote. I recently attended a public gathering at Overman Park, in Cedar Falls. Rob Sand,...
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