Bob Kressig Newsletter March 4, 2021

Bob Kressig Newsletter

Greetings to you all!

We began our 8th week of the legislative session and we are nearing the first funnel on Friday. The funnel deadline says that bills that haven’t been passed through the committee process are not eligible for debate on the floor of the House. This week was mostly dealing with full committee and subcommittee meetings and some floor debate.


Monday, I had a subcommittee meeting for HSB228 where we discussed Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBM’s) and prescription drug reimbursements. Pharmacies across Iowa are not  getting fully reimbursed by the PBM’s for the drug costs they pay and is causing issues for local pharmacies. The bill passed out of subcommittee and also in the full Commerce Committee.  I also attended additional Commerce Committee meetings where several bills were discussed.

Tuesday, three bills- HSB5HSB252, and HSB254 were covered during the Public Safety Committee meeting. HSB5 removes the permitting process for carrying concealed weapons. We had a lengthy discussion on the bill and it passed along partisan votes. The bill is now eligible for a vote on the floor of the House.

Wednesday, I had another Commerce Committee meeting and on Thursday, I had a Public Safety Committee meeting and a Transportation Committee meeting. In the Transportation Committee meeting, we discussed HSB229, and HSB256.

In this week’s newsletter, you will find information about the first legislative deadline update. Iowans still need economic assistance as a result of Covid-19. Iowans and small businesses will be getting Covid-19 assistance by being exempt from state taxes. Please share your comments with me.

Going forward, I will be listening and working closely with local leaders and community members, to make sure the state is partnering with those in our community who need help and assistance. I’m available by email, phone, and social media, to answer questions and listen to your concerns. You can always reach me by email or call me at home at 319-266-9021. We can also stay connected through social media, including FacebookTwitter, and YouTube. I appreciate hearing from you and I thank you for your continued support.

Thank you for taking the time to read the Statehouse News. Please keep in touch! I hope everyone stays safe and have a great weekend!

Upcoming Community Events

UNI Athletics COVID conditions are causing multiple schedule changes. Please refer to for the most up-to-date information.

3/2-4 Hawkeye Farm Show UNI-Dome, 9am-4pm
3/6 UNI FB vs Illinois State UNI-Dome, 4pm, 273-4849
3/6-7 AAU Iowa Super Pee Wee State Wrestling Championship Young Arena, 291-4335
3/6-7 CV Indoor Spring Spotlight CV SportsPlex, 504-2825